
We desire every person to have faith in Jesus Christ, because we know that such faith brings love, hope, joy and peace that is beyond imagining and comprehension!

Baptism is a visible sign of that faith.

A faith that is living, and active!

Baptism in our Parish is not an event that you “book”, but a sacrament into which you are invited to participate within by the Rector, when the time is right.

Those who are invited for Baptism are active and regular worshipping members of our congregation, thus already fulfilling the promises they are about to make at Baptism – the promise to raise children in faith.

If a commitment to regularly worship with us is not possible for you at this time, then perhaps a Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child (see below) might be a great option for you?

Click here for some further information, and straight talking, about baptism.


A Service of Thanksgiving
for the Gift of a Child

Life, and especially new life, is very sacred. We recognise the desire of parents and grandparents to celebrate the birth of children and to ask God to bless them as they begin their journey.

The ‘Service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child’ is a short liturgy which makes no demands of belief or commitment from the parents. Instead, it expresses our deepest wishes and desires, and pronounces God’s blessing on your child. It is a meaningful liturgy which brings together the past and the present.

The Service may be conducted at any location within reasonable travel distance or within the church at a suitable time to be negotiated between the minister and the family.

The Service is also able to be personalised to your family and situation. A sample copy can be downloaded here.

For further information please contact the Rector, Rev’d Michael Armstrong via email.


In our Parish it is Baptism that makes a person a full member of the Body of Christ and able to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, and not Confirmation.

This is a change from the past.

Confirmation is a sacrament that allows an individual make promises before God, the Bishop and the congregation to demonstrate their faith, which is already obvious to our Parish because those who do this have been active members.

Confirmation includes a period oof intense preparation, and is offered only by invitation by the Rector.