David Morgan and Mary Hinde

All Saints’ has been our spiritual home for many years. When we walk in, we feel at home and are comforted by prayers that have filled this place for over a century.

It has been, and continues to be, the place where we bring both our sorrows and our joys – both of which we have experienced in life and yet also many celebrations. Many of these events have occurred in these holy walls.

All Saints’ is an inclusive community, and we have made many lifelong friendships within the congregation, and we appreciate the depth of these friendships through times of stress and loss.

We love being a part of traditional Anglican worship, and appreciate the sights and sounds of beautiful Anglican liturgy week by week. In this place the love of God is not only preached, but revealed in our love for one another, which brings hope, joy and peace.

This congregation nurtures us in the faith, and through that faith we look outwards as to how we can serve others. In this place, there is a place for everyone, and we value its inclusive nature.

We look forward to continuing to worship and celebrate in this sacred space, and to pass it on so that future generations may benefit from what we have received.

David Morgan and Mary Hinde

Deirdre Burns

In 1969 my husband David and I moved to Hunters Hill with our four children, and shortly after started to attend All Saints’. My children participated in a range of activities in the Parish, including the All Saints’ Soccer Team that was established by
the Parish.

All Saints’ is the place where my family have celebrated many occasions, as well as the place we have gathered for times of solemnity and remembrance. My husband David, who also treasured being a member of this congregation, has his memorial near the front door.

This Church is the place where I am free to live out my faith, and express my true self. When I enter it, I feel a sense of calm, peace and acceptance. I love being there to support others in time of need and be supported in my time of need. The more I have invested myself into
the congregation, the more I get back.

Deirdre Burns

Kate, Joel, Ambrose & Antigone Harrison

All Saints’ is the place where we as a family feel we are growing. Ambrose (5) loves meeting up with his friends at All Saints’ Kids for drama, craft, games, and learning together.

Ambrose is now asking the big questions about what it means to love everyone as God loves us, while telling us each week how much he looks forward to Holy Communion. Our daughter Antigone (‘Tiggy’) (2) was baptised at All Saints – a beautiful welcoming of her into the community, life with God, and our lives. She is now rambunctiously running up and down the centre aisle for the kids’ blessing (and for fun), joining the big kids, and always searching for ‘baby Jesus’ who was in the crib at Christmas. Our children are learning love for God and love for others in a church that values the liturgy and traditions of the church, while engaging them where they are. As parents and parishioners, this is what we want – for them, us, and all who enter All Saints’ doors.

Kate, Joel, Ambrose & Antigone Harrison

Morna Jenkins

My family ties with All Saints’ date back several generations to the Manning Family. In the Church there are memorials to my Great Grandfather, Charles James Manning and my Great Uncles, Guy Owen Manning & Charles Edye Manning.

My Great Aunt, Ruth Manning was one of the first babies to be baptized in the Church.

In 2010 I was fortunate to return to Hunters Hill. I remember my uncle saying, “how lovely to have family back in Hunters Hill again.” It is a wonderful community to live within.

When I started to worship at All Saints’ it felt like coming home.

It is a congregation who have continued to support me, especially in recent years through some tough times of illness. When I enter the building I feel not only a part of that space, but part of a community of people who are all working together for good.

Morna Jenkins

Merlyn and Jeby Armstrong

We feel blessed to belong to All Saints’. It is a community that encourages and engages us to grow in faith, which helps us to show love, care and concern for others.

We feel welcome and included and encouraged to be welcoming and inclusive of all who we meet.

All Saints’ is a place where we pray for each other, for our wider community and our world. We know that we are prayed for by members of this congregation, and they know we pray for them. This unites us with a special bond that is beyond words, and draws us closer together. As such we feel supported and loved.

Music is one of the ways that we express ourselves in our worship, and love to be a part of the choir. One of our great joys during lockdowns for COVID was to be able to come and sing for the recordings. It lifted our hearts in a tough time, and we know that it lifted up others.

Jeby has become a choral scholar in the Parish, and through that support is further developing her music skills. It has been wonderful to watch her grow during this time – from barely being able to sing out, to now leading solos. Her confidence has grown, and we are appreciative of being able to be a part of this.

We thank God for this church, and hope and pray that others might through its presence come to receive some of what we have.

Merlyn and Jeby Armstrong

Strong Foundations in Hunters Hill.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever” wrote John Keats, but he may well have added, only so long as it is maintained in a right and fitting condition.

The Church of All Saints, classified by The National Trust of Australia (N.S.W.), is certainly a building of considerable beauty. Over the years since it was dedicated in 1888 the devotion of many saints has maintained the building, gardens and grounds to the condition it is today.

All Saints Organ
All Saints Organ 3
All Saints Organ 2

All Saints has always had a strong musical tradition, built up over the years with a fine organ and choirs. The organ was built by Bevington and Sons, Soho, London and installed in the Church in 1888, shortly after the Church was opened. A robed choir continues to sing each Sunday in All Saints.

All Saints Glass
All Saints Glass 6
All Saints Glass 5
All Saints Glass 4
All Saints Glass 3
All Saints Glass 2

The collection of stained glass in All Saints is acknowledged as one of the finest in the Australia. Most of the windows were made in Sydney, the exceptions are the two sets, each of three lights, immediately inside the west screen door on the right side made by Morris and Company and the cartoons were drawn by Sir Edward Burne-Jones.

Building on the Foundations, and Securing the Future

The following steps have been achieved, and are planned, based on heritage, engineering, architectural and specialist advice:

Watertight – completed!

Our slate roof required several areas of repairs, including the replacement of tiles and flashing. This was done in stages over three years, and now seems reasonably water-tight (there will always be ongoing maintenance).

The gutters that were put in place in the 1920’s, made from left over military surplus from WW1, were replaced with new copper gutters and down pipes. Four new down pipes were installed with the extra wide gutters to capture the large amount of water that is caught on the roof. The clay drain pipes, which were often broken or blocked, were replaced with a new drainage system.

This work cost the Parish over $400,000.00.

Exterior Walls and Windows – completed!

An engineering report identified significant repairs and maintainence that was required to preserve the beautiful sandstone exterior walls of All Saints’.

The impact of smog, jet fuel, attempted repairs from good hearted souls in previous generations and general age had take its toll.

In May 2023 work was carried out on the East and South Walls, including the replacement of two capping crosses. This work was completed in October 2023.

Once work was underway, and the building could be viewed closely, it was discovered that a potentially catastrophic failure had occured in the Eastern Wall stonemasonry as a result of water damage causing foundational movement, and water entry into the stained-glass as a result of “protective glass” being installed in the 1990’s.

From 12th January 2024 work commenced on the West and North Walls, including major refurbishment of the Bell Tower.

On 22nd January 2024 the East Window was removed in order to be restored off-site by our master craftsman.

The work has been completed as of the end of April 2024.

The cost of this stage of work has exceeded $500,000.00. The Parish had already raised a substantive sum, but due to the urgent nature of the work needed to borrow $250,000.00. Through the generosity of many, we repaid this debt in full on 20th September 2024.

The Interior – Planned for 2026 and beyond

If you look closely in All Saints’ you can see the work of various eras – from the era when the church was lit with lanterns, to the installation of gas-lighting and eventually electricity. Some of this has been done extremely well, and some needs some significant work to ensure that this sacred space not only remains beautiful, but also safe and practical.

The stunning timber roof, with its amazing cross-beams is an engineering marvel, as well as a thing of beauty. It has not been cleaned, nor had a coat of oil, in the history of the building. The timber is crying out for oil that will help preserve it. To do this will require significant scaffold.

While the scaffold is in place we hope to replace the lighting and fix the wiring. Having safe wiring and a lighting system that shows off the beauty of the space and its features, but importantly also allows for lighting that can not only allow us to see, but be used in a way that will enhance worship and other events (such as being able to dim the lights for a concert) would be an immense blessing to gift to future generations.

The red carpet down the centre aisle was put in place as a temporary measure in the 1990’s as some of the stunning mosaic tiles that are found under it were in need of repair. We desire to lift the carpet and expose the tiles once again, ensuring that they are repaired and safe. Our Director of Music believes that this will also further enhance the acoustics of the church.

Finally, we would like to make improvements to the 1938 Narthex that will improve it aesthetically, as well as allow the space to be used more practically as a place to gather after worship or an event.

The total cost of this step is $750,000.00. We intend to break it up into manageable stages with the roof and lighting our first priority, then the flooring, and finally the Narthex.

Central Stones – East Window

In a quite significant operation, two of the largest stones in the East window were removed, and entirely new stones were carved and installed.

The original stones had split as a result of the significant pressure applied to them through the movement of the foundations.

Central Stones – East Window


The Bell, including the tower, has been restored as part of the project.

This has included cleaning and repointing of the stones and refurbishment and repairs to some parts of the bell mechanism.


Capping stones – Western Wall

The capping stones on either side of the western wall were replaced.

At some stage some of the stones had been replaced by stones that were not sandstone, and this impacted the balance of the wall – allowing stones in the wall to have water enter in to the pointing.

The entire western wall has been repointed.

Capping stones – Western Wall

Interior Timber Roof

The interior timber roof is indeed a wonder to look at! It is in need of significant oiling and minor repairs.

It is hoped to carry this work out in 2025/26 – depending on available funds raised.

Interior Timber Roof

Restored East Window

This is a portion of the newly restored East window. If you scan across the slides you will find the “before” photo which included seperated lead.

Restored East Window

New mullion stone – East Window

Three mullion stones in the East window were eroded as a result of water damage. the water had entered, and stayed on the stone, as a result of protecive glass installed in the 1990’s. The stones have now been replaced, in a significant operation, and new protective glass installed with the stained glass, ensuring that past issues are fully addressed, while the glass is kept safe.

New mullion stone – East Window

Stonemasonry – stone removal and replacement

Some of the stones on the building were so badly eroded that they were unable to be repaired and had to be replaced – such as this stone on a buttress on the North face.

The process required an expert stonemason – and we were blessed by an incredible team.

This stone was carved off site according to measurements made, and then put in place over two days, ensuring that mortar was put in (slowly) and surrounded the entire stone.

Stonemasonry – stone removal and replacement

East Window removal for Restoration

In January 2024 the East Window was removed by our expert heritage glazier and taken off site for restoration, which included cleaning, repair of broken glass and replacement of lead. The window has also been reinstalled with new toughened cover glass on the exterior that allows full light to shine through.

East Window removal for Restoration

Cracks – East Window

As a result of foundational movement due to water damage, the Eastern Wall has moved, causing some downward pressure on the Eastern Window. This resulted in several stones cracking. Two significant stones in the top of the window, and three mullions supporting the widnow, have been replaced by our expert stonemasons. The operation was considerable, and the result is wonderful.

Cracks – East Window

Broken Glass – East Window

The Shepherd in the glass is looking at (in the larger scheme of the window) the crucified Jesus. However, he does also look concerned for the large break and seperation of the glass that is above him.

This was caused by pressure from movement in the wall, causing stones in the arch to push down, and some to split. Further to this protective glass added to the window in the 1990’s (ausing silicone and cement instead of mortar) created issues around the movement of water and caused some of the stones to erode. These actions caused immense pressure to be applied to the stained glass window, causing some parts to crack, others to buckle, and some to seperate.

The restored window is indeed a thing of beauty, and we pray will not need any further work for a substantive period of time!

Broken Glass – East Window

Eastern Wall – clean and re-pointed

The Eastern Wall after it was cleaned and re-pointed. At this stage of the photo the window work has not commenced. The rust stains unfortunately cannot be removed. They are caused through metal supports being placed in the 1990’s that were not galvanised, and have contributed to the demise of teh Eastern Wall and window that the restoration has sought to address.

Eastern Wall – clean and re-pointed


One of the new crosses in place on the apex – see if you can spot the Praying Mantis who joined us as we blessed the stone.


Tax-Deductible Donations

Donations over $2.00 may be tax deductible through the National Trust of Australia Fund.

We know it is a bit “clunky” but if you donate via a direct deposit to the National Trust Account (details below) and then send us the details of your donation via the form below, we will send you a tax deductible receipt by mail. Your donation that is deeply appreciated!

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    • to the National Trust on behalf of All Saints’ Hunters Hill Restoration.

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